Marketing Transformation


Demand for digital experiences has been accelerating for years, with companies that lead in customer experience now outperforming laggards by nearly 80%. Covid-19 has further accelerated the demand for digital and the need for brands to change, and it’s left many marketers trying to figure out how to keep pace.

On top of that demand is an ever-growing complexity across the marketing ecosystem that makes exceeding consumer expectations more difficult than ever. The number of channels, platforms and tools has grown exponentially, from 150 martech companies in 2011 to more than 8,000 today, and the inability to act with agility was a key barrier for executives reacting to Covid-19. The pressure is on marketers to seamlessly deliver relevant experiences across this increasingly fragmented ecosystem, but the majority (55%) don’t have access to the data and resources needed to effectively personalize customer experiences.

Together, the growing consumer demand, need for relevance, and complex ecosystem necessitate a monumental change in the ways we work. Businesses need to change how they interact with consumers, meet demand with relevant experiences, and continuously become more efficient – all while budgets are shrinking. Marketers are asked to do more with less, and the step change in circumstances in 2020 has only accelerated that challenge.


To deliver meaningful experiences, brands need to unify the many unique moments in their consumers’ lives. They need to deliver against current demands by becoming more relevant and build a foundation for agility moving forward. They need to change marketing.

We help clients do that with Change Marketing Enablers: A transformation system that meets you wherever you are. With more than 20 proprietary enablers, we help brands continuously fund marketing transformation by unlocking efficiencies to reinvest in performance and relevance at scale. The enablers are proven and repeatable, integrated and extensible, and platform agnostic to ensure maximum flexibility and speed to value.

The first set of enablers helps marketers Reimagine Brand Experience by maximizing their brand purpose, powering creativity with innovation, and engaging with customers everywhere. Some of the outcomes we’ve delivered for clients include: A 40% net promoter score increase, a 15% increase in new-to-brand purchasers, and an 82% engagement increase. We’ve helped build iconic brands, developed new ways of working, and brought brands to life throughout the customer journey.

Our next set of enablers enables us to Drive Marketing Performance by uncovering new growth opportunities, maximizing brands’ talent networks, and driving new sources of demand. We’ve increase lead generation by 60%, productivity by 25%, and grown digital sales 40% in some of our past work with clients.

We also Unlock Marketing Efficiency with a set of enablers that helps brands connect and optimize their tech stack, rapidly produce high-quality content at scale, and run campaigns with speed, scale and certainty. We’ve increased efficiency and reduced costs, saving clients 30% on content production, reducing time to market by 45%, and running 25% more campaigns without increasing headcount.

As the enablers come together, they’re able to connect and adapt to suit each client’s needs. They’re built to drive value and differentiation across the customer journey, create more relevant experiences, and meet market demands with agility and scale.